Monday, November 28, 2011

Prop 8 = Hate

The issue of gay rights has been controversial for the last few decades. Many fight for gay marriage laws while others oppose them. Conservatives and religious forces fight for no legal recognition of unions between same sex couples. Liberals and civil rights activists fight for a clear recognition of this basic right of union. Proposition 8 is an excellent example of a current event that demonstrates this battle over same sex marriage. Proposition 8 is funded by both religious forces, such as the Roman Catholic Church, and conservative republicans, like John McCain. Proposition 8 fights for an amendment to the constitution that eliminates the rights of gay marriage.   
                Proposition 8 is a good example of why there should be a separation of church and state. Anyone can clearly see that religious motives are behind the proposition. These religious forces, predominantly the Catholic Church, invest much time and effort ensuring that gay people do not have the right to have a legal union and marriage. This seems like such a trivial issue; the government should not be allowed to take sides with any religion or discriminate against homosexual couples. Although Catholics dislike the union of gay couples, they do not have the right to dictate the way other people live their lives. In America, individuals should be free to make personal decisions without government or religion impeding on those choices.
                A poll taken by the Fox Network aimed to study people’s ideas about gay marriage. They discovered that there has been a continuous increase in the number of people who are supportive of gay marriage. More and more people are beginning to agree with the idea that people should be free to marry despite sexual orientation. It seems as though many people are straying from their previously-held, conservative views for the first time. If we look to the many cases of meaningless discrimination throughout the past, we can see a pattern of uprising and finally, the oppressed people are given the rights they deserve. Eventually, gay marriage will be broadly accepted and we will wonder why it was ever opposed in the first place.
U.S. Government with a Cup of Joe

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